This is a model of my friend's dog, which is a Labrador cross collie (shown below). As you can see, he looks quite like a Labrador, so it will probably work as a Labrador pattern (just don't add the white bit to the chest)
You will need:
Easy - medium
You will need:
- a 2.5mm crochet hook
- dk yarn in black and white
- toy stuffing
- a darning needle
- needle felting needle and wool (optional) (used to add the white around the muzzle)
- embroidery thread in black and white
For the body:
make a magic loop with 6 sc
Round 1: 2sc in each st (12sc)
Round 2: sc in the first st, 2sc in the next st, rep six times to end (18sc)
Round 3: sc in the first 2sts, 2sc in the next st, rep six times to end (24sc)
Round 4: sc in the first 5 sts, 2sc in the next st, rep to end (27sc)
Round 4: sc in the first 5 sts, 2sc in the next st, rep to end (27sc)
Rounds 5 - 9 : (5 rounds) sc in each st
Round 10: sc2tog 5 times, sc in the next 17sts (22sc)
Rounds 11 - 12: (2 rounds) sc in each st
Rounds 11 - 12: (2 rounds) sc in each st
Round 13: sc in the first st, 2sc in the next st, sc in the next st, 2sc in the following st, sc in the next 18sts (24sc)
Round 14: sc in each st
Round 15: sc in the first 2sts, sc2 in the next st, sc in the next 2sts, 2sc in the next st, sc in the last 18sts (26sc)
Rounds 16 - 17: (2 rounds) sc in each st
Rounds 16 - 17: (2 rounds) sc in each st
Round 18: sc in the first 2sts, 2sc in the next st, sc in the following 3sts, 2sc in the next st, sc in the last 19sts (28sc)
Rounds 19 - 23: (5 rounds) sc in each st
Round 24: sc in the first 2sts, sc2tog, rep to end (21sc)
Round 25: sc in the first st, sc2tog, rep to end (14sc)
Round 26: sc2tog 7 times to end (7sc)
Fasten off
For the front legs:
Make a magic loop with 6sc
Round 1: 2sc in each st (12sc)
Round 2: sc in each st (12sc)
Round 3: sc4tog, sc in the next 8sts (9sc)
Round 4: sc3tog, sc in the next 2sts, 2sc in each of the next 2 sts, sc in the next 2sts (9sc)
Round 5: sc in each st (9sc)
Round 6: sc2tog, sc in the next 3sts, 2sc in the following st, sc in the next 3 (9sc)
Rounds 7 - 13: (7 rounds) sc in each st
For the back legs:
Round 14: 2sc in the first st, sc in the next 5sts, 2sc in the next st, sc in the next 2sts (11sc)
Rounds 15 - 18: (4 rounds) sc in each st (11sc)
Round 19: (this is a little more than 1 round) sc in the first 4sts, sc3tog, sc in the next 3sts, sc3tog (7sc)
Fasten off
For the back legs:
Make a magic loop with 6sc
Round 1: 2sc in each st (12sc)
Round 2: sc in each st (12sc)
Round 3: sc4tog, sc in the next 8sts (9sc)
Round 4: sc3tog, sc in the next 2sts, 2sc in each of the next 2 sts, sc in the next 2sts (9sc)
Round 5: sc2tog, sc in the next 2sts, 2sc in the next st, sc in the next 4sts (9sc)
Round 6: sc in the first 4sts, sc2tog, sc in the next 3sts (8sc)
Round 7: 2sc in the first st, sc in the next 2sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 2sts (7sc)
Round 7: 2sc in the first st, sc in the next 2sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 2sts (7sc)
Round 8: sc in the first st, 3sc in the next st, sc in the first 2sts, 3sc in the next st, sc in the last 2sts (11sc)
Round 9: sc in the first 5sts, 3sc in the next st, sc in the last 5sts (13sc)
Sew the legs to the underside of the body (the straighter bit is the top of the body)
For the tail:
Sew this onto the back of the body
For the neck:
Round 10: sc in the first st, 3sc in the next st, sc in the next 5sts, 2sc in each of the next 2 sts, sc in the last 4sts (17sc)
Round 10: sc in the first 10sts, 3sc in the next st, sc in the last 6sts (19sc)
Round 11: sc in the first 2sts, 3sc in the next st, sc in the next 18sts (21sc)
Rounds 12 - 13: ( 2 rounds) sc in each st
Round 14: sc in the first 11 sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 7sts (19sc)
Round 14: sc in the first 11 sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 7sts (19sc)
Round 15: (this is slightly less than 1 round) sc in the first st, sc3tog, sc in the next 5sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 6sts (15sc)
Round 16: (this is slightly more than 1 round) sc3tog, sc in the next 3sts, sc3tog, sc in the next 4sts, sc3tog (9sc)
Fasten off
Sew the legs to the underside of the body (the straighter bit is the top of the body)
For the tail:
make a magic loop with 4sc
Round 1: sc in each st (4sc)
Round 2: 2sc in each st (8sc)
Rounds 3 - 19: (17 rounds) sc in each st
Row 20: ch1, turn, sc in the first 4 sts
Fasten off
Sew this onto the back of the body
For the neck:
ch29 loosely
Round 1: sc in the first chain st you made, sc in each following chain st to end (this makes a loop) (29sc)
Rounds 2 - 4: (3 rounds) sc in each st (29sc)
Round 5: sc2tog, sc in the next 12sts , sc2tog, sc in the last 13sts (27sc)
Round 6: sc2tog , sc in the first 11sts, sc2tog, sc in the last 12sts (25sc)
Fasten off
Sew the neck to the body
For the head:
For the head:
Round 1: sc in the 2nd loop from hook, sc in the next chain st, 3sc in the following chain st (the first chain st you made), sc in the back of the 2nd chain st, 2sc in the back of the 3rd chain st you made (the first chain st you crocheted into) (8sc)
Round 2: 2sc in the first st, sc in the next st, 2sc in each of the next 3sts, sc in the following st, 2sc in each of the next 2 sts (14sc)
Round 3: sc in the first time, 2sc in the next st, sc in the following st, (sc in the first st, 2sc in the next st) 3 times, sc in the next st, (sc in the first st, 2sc in the next st) twice (20sc)
Round 4: sc in the first 2sts ,2sc in the next st, sc in the following st, (sc in the first 2sts, 2sc in the next st) 3 times, sc in the next st, (sc in the first 2sts, 2sc in the next st) twice (26sc)
Rounds 5 - 8: (4 rounds) sc in each st
Round 9: sc in the first 3sts, sc3tog, sc in the next 4sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 13sts (22sc)
Round 10: sc in the first 2sts, sc3tog, sc in the next 3sts, sc3tog, sc in the last 11sts (18sc)
Round 11: sc in the first st, sc2tog, sc in the next 4sts, sc2tog, sc in the last 9sts (16sc)
Rounds 12 - 14: (3 rounds) sc in each st
Round 15: sc in the first 2sts, sc2tog twice, sc in the next 3sts, sc3tog, sc in the next st, sc3tog, sc in the last 6sts (10sc)
Round 16: (this is rather more than 1 round) sc in the first 9sts, sc6tog, sc in the next st (5sts)
Fasten off
Sew this to the body. Stuff lightly and sew the head on top of this.

For the ears:

Fasten off
For the eyes:
With white embroidery thread embroider a circle of backstitches for the whites of the eyes and then with black embroidery thread embroider the pupils in the centre of this. Then the white embroidery thread to sew highlights over the top of this.

For the nose:
using black yarn embroider a triangular nose onto the dog at the end of the muzzle
For the chest:
With white dk or yarn embroider a patch on the chest
For the muzzle:
If you want to add white around the muzzle use a needle felting needle and some white needle felting wool to felt the white patches onto it (If you haven't done this before a video can be found here)

Sew this to the body. Stuff lightly and sew the head on top of this.

For the ears:
make a magic loop with 4sc
Round 1: 2sc in each st (8sc)
Round 2: sc in each st (8sc)
Round 3: sc in the first 3sts, 2sc, rep to end (10sc)
Round 4: sc in the first 4sts, 2sc, rep to end (12sc)
Round 5: sc in each st (12sc)
Round 6: sc in the first 5sts, 2sc, rep to end (14sc)
press the ear flat and sc 6 through both layers

For the eyes:
With white embroidery thread embroider a circle of backstitches for the whites of the eyes and then with black embroidery thread embroider the pupils in the centre of this. Then the white embroidery thread to sew highlights over the top of this.

For the nose:
using black yarn embroider a triangular nose onto the dog at the end of the muzzle
For the chest:
With white dk or yarn embroider a patch on the chest
For the muzzle:
If you want to add white around the muzzle use a needle felting needle and some white needle felting wool to felt the white patches onto it (If you haven't done this before a video can be found here)

I hope you have enjoyed this pattern there should be more coming pretty soon. If you find any errors or are unsure about anything please notify me and I will try and recity it as soon as possible. To keep up to date with what I am doing follow me on instagram (my account can be found here). If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please get in contact with me either below, on my instagram page or on my ravelry account. You are very welcome to sell finished products but please don't re-post this pattern or claim it as your own. Thank you :)